“Sözen Group will open the Turkish restaurant market to the world restaurant market with the world-famous Gault & Millau guide”

Gault & Millau, one of the two most prestigious gastronomy guides in the world, recently stepped into Turkey as the 17th country in cooperation with Sözen Group. The Gault & Millau Turkey guide will meet with the gastronomy world as of November. Sözen Group CEO Gökmen Sözen shared the focal points and all the details of the Gault & Millau guide.

Gault & Millau, which was first published in Paris in 1969 by two journalists and food critic Henri Gault and Christian Millau, stepped into Turkey in cooperation with Sözen Organization. Incorporating Turkey as the 17th country, Gault & Millau is considered one of the two most well-known and appreciated guides in the field of gastronomy. The Gault & Millau guide, which has gained a respectable place thanks to its strong gastronomy network, started its field studies in Turkey in 2023 and will be published in 2024!

Believing in the authenticity of each chef’s restaurant, Gault & Millau continues to work with independent gastronomy experts to rate restaurants and chefs. Restaurants and chefs evaluated for the guide are given a score between 1 and 20 based on the quality and taste of the food, together with their separate evaluations about service, price and atmosphere of the restaurant by Gault & Millau. High-rated restaurants earn between 1 and 4 hats from Gault & Millau’s signature hats, depending on the degree of their scores.

Sözen Group CEO Gökmen Sözen expressed his thoughts on the Gault & Millau guide as follows: “We brought the world’s most prestigious catalog, Gault & Millau, to Turkey. Our aim is to raise the bar for tourism and gastronomy in Turkey, to bring our standards to higher quality places and to build a bridge between the world and Turkish gastronomy. We introduced Turkey to the world with projects such as Gastromasa, FSUMMIT, Gastroway and GastroAntep. But most importantly, we want to open our restaurant market to the world. Because we think that Turkey’s restaurants and chefs deserve this. Not only certain provinces; we create destination roads. For this reason, we attach importance to Marmara, Aegean Mediterranean, Southeastern Anatolia and Central Anatolia this year. Among them, we are following the traces of restaurants, very special hotel restaurants, vineyard routes and vineyard restaurants.”

Saying that Gault & Millau standards are one of the most important standards in the world, Sözen stated that not only the food but also the design, technique and presentation of the food, product knowledge, as well as table equipment, service quality, hospitality techniques, sommeliers, beverage menu and design of the restaurant are a whole in terms of evaluation. . Pointing out that Gault & Millau will place emphasis on chef restaurants and the fine dining industry, Gökmen Sözen underlined that they will also focus on traditional models, boutique businesses, and luxury standard patisseries and continue with bars.

“For us, the arts of hospitality have a very important place besides food. Because tourism and gastronomy are indispensable in the hospitality industry.”

Explaining that Gault & Millau pays attention not only to food but also to service quality, knowledge and menu standards, Sözen said that besides food, the arts of hospitality also have a very important place. Connecting this situation with the indispensable position of tourism and gastronomy in the hospitality sector, Gökmen Sözen also announced the release date of the prestigious guide.

“We will be happy to present the 2024 catalog of Gault & Millau to the Turkish and world markets in November”

Sözen announced the release of the Gault & Millau Turkey guide with the following words: “Sözen Group will open the Turkish restaurant market to the world restaurant market with the world-famous Gault & Millau catalogue. We will be happy to present the 2024 catalog of Gault & Millau to the Turkish and world markets in November.”

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